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Combed cotton cloth and the difference between a combed cotton cloth
Category:Industry news   Publish:2016-01-19 05:18:55   View:1446次 [Back]

Combed cotton gauze fabric, more flexible compared with ordinary gauze tight, at relatively high moisture absorption and permeability.

Combed cotton fiber to Comber remove the shorter fibers (about 1CM less) removed, leaving the longer fibers and tidy. Combed breathability and sweat resistance should be more prominent, weave gauze fabric is also more comfortable. Carded and combed spinning refers to a process, so for cotton, the cotton was generally after carded cotton gauze fabric, combed cotton yarn after that we often hear of combed yarn fabrics.

Combed cotton texture fabric texture than the average to be careful, higher quality. Smoothness than carded gauze cloth to high, made of combed cotton yarn in the fabric texture, washability and durability are higher than ordinary cotton gauze quality standards.

Combed yarn fabric can be used to produce higher quality textiles, such as high-grade T-shirts, socks and other high-end men and women, more suitable as underwear fabric, especially to the elderly and infants wear.

Combed cotton itself is a here refers to a textile combing process. Combed cotton yarn out smaller and better quality. Fabrics made of combed cotton yarn in texture, washable and durability have higher quality standards. Combed cotton is the increase of the fine combing procedure in the process of spinning, the practice is to comb to shorter fibers, and eliminate impurities in cotton, yarn to produce a smooth, make cotton more toughness, not fluff ball, woven into the gauze quality is more stable, and there is no neps, dyeing and printing out of the results are very good.

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