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The causes of deficiency of pure cotton yarn booker heavy
Category:Industry news   Publish:2016-01-19 05:18:32   View:1504次 [Back]
Many customers are reflected bought gauze sometimes insufficient weight, so because of this will be very depressed, and some even doubt it is not a quality problem, just as we talk about weight today is what causes insufficient.
First, cotton gauze will shrink, because absorbent cotton gauze particularly good, so easy to shrink when wet, this will cause a weight less than gauze, but this is not quality problems, this can not be avoided. So every time the bridge an aryl gauze in shipment to the customer will send some more, this can compensate for the loss.
Second, and weaving processes are related, such as gauze dyed and printed gauze, gauze dyed yarn dyed in advance, so the dyeing process will inevitably lead to the loss of such yarns can also cause gauze The weight less, printing gauze is the same reason.
Third, cotton gauze singeing process will result in the loss of gauze, gauze causing gram weight deficiencies.
Fourth, the original yarn abrasion in the process of weaving a larger cause excessive hairiness yarn shedding cause thinning caused by gram weight low.

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