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Bandaging technique
Category:Industry news   Publish:2017-04-21 02:48:14   View:1555次 [Back]
1, the injured position should be appropriate.

2, the affected limb to adjust the position, so that patients in the dressing process can maintain the body comfort, reduce patient pain.

3. The affected limb must be in functional position.

4, the bag is usually standing in front of the patient in order to observe the patient's facial expression.

5, the general should be from the inside out, and from the far end of the body to the trunk. At the beginning of the dressing, two rings should be used to secure the bandage.

6, bandage to master bandage volume, avoid falling. Bandage roll and must be affixed to the bandage.

7, the pressure should be equal to each week, and not too light, so as not to fall off. Not too tight, so as to avoid circulatory disorders.

8, in addition to acute bleeding, open trauma or fracture patients, before the bandage must be clean and dry.

9, ring, bracelet and necklace watch chain is equal to the bandage removed before.

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